How can we encourage the expression of the unique potential of adults with ADHD in their employment years, in a natural, productive and sustainable manner?
At least 10% of the world's population is characterized by a unique cognitive structure known as ADHD. A significant percentage of this population suffers from dealing with it and spends their everyday life in mental, economic and professional instability, as well as poor self-efficacy. Neurodiversity is a scientific term that refers to the fact that in human nature there are a variety of cognitive structures – autistic brain, ADHD brain and neurotypical brain – affecting the ways in which they process and interact with information and people and are not necessarily related to intelligence. This project explores the nature, boundaries and possibilities of the ways in which it will be possible to understand, express and leverage the unique qualities of this brain so that individuals can get the most out of themselves and produce meaningful value in the field of employment to which they seek to belong.